I have been weaving since 1973, specializing in original textiles for clothing and home interiors. My love of color has led me to explore dyeing and its unlimited possibilities. Everywhere in nature I see texture, pattern and color that inspires me to capture this beauty through my art and workshops. I invite you to visit my gallery and welcome your comments and inquiries.


Pro Chemical and Dye Company - http://www.prochemicalanddye.com/
Leading source of dyes and paints for over 40 years.

Handweavers Guild of America - http://www.weavespindye.org/
Founded in 1969, to inspire creativity and encourage excellence in the fiber arts.

Florida Tropical Weavers Guild - http://www.ftwg.org/
Annual Conference in Lake Yale, FL, March 16-20, 2011.

John C. Campbell Folk School - http://www.folkschool.org/
Founded in 1925, year-round classes are offered in weaving, dyeing, spinning, basketry, knitting, quilting, surface design, and many more areas of interest.

New England Weavers Seminar - http://www.newenglandweaversseminar.com/
"Weave Our World" - NEWS 2011 Conference, July 14-17, Northhampton, MA.

Southeast Fiber Forum Association - http://www.sefiberforum.org/
"Return to the Mountains" - SE Fiber Forum 2011, April 7-10, Arrowmont, Gatlinburg, TN.

Bonnie Tarses - http://www.bonnietarses.com/
My first weaving teacher who continues to inspire me.